Middle Belt presidential hopeful, Ayom, pledges commitment to security, economy, power

An All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential aspirant, Moses Ayom, has written to President Muhammadu Buhari on his aspiration to contest the 2023 presidential poll.

Moses Ayom

The staunch Buhari supporter from the Middle Belt region, in the statement, yesterday, also canvassed practical commitment by the government to address challenges in the power sector and insecurity.

He disclosed his readiness to sustain the investment in the armed forces as well as promote discipline and professionalism in the security architecture.

Ayom, who had declared his presidential ambition on January 1, 2022, told President Buhari that he, at the helm of affairs, would take urgent steps to reverse the country’s yearly economic losses, which the World Bank estimated at $26.2 billion.

“We would consolidate on your good work to break the jinx of epileptic supply in Nigeria. We are well aware of ongoing initiatives, partnerships and projects that your administration is executing to ensure that Nigeria achieves the 24,380MW power supply and will make their completion a key part of our agenda.

“This is because we believe, as you do, that doing so would help reverse the yearly economic losses attributable to inadequate power supply, which the World Bank estimates at $26.2 billion (about N10 trillion),” said Ayom.

On his plans and strategies to boost the economy, he said: “We plan to leverage your successes to build a vibrant economy that helps Nigerians and businesses to realise their potential; an economy that that would expand markets and unlock sustainable growth while creating an enabling environment in which people, communities and businesses can thrive.

“We will build a modern and sustainable economy that leverages advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Tech-Innovation; an economy that creates jobs encourages industrialisation, increases tax revenue, improves the quality of life, and ensures inclusive growth.”

He pledged to create free trade zones in all 36 states and provide the basic tools and infrastructure that will attract both foreign and local investors for start-ups that will pick all the youths off the streets.


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