Mimiko pledges to support AAUA’s new vice chancellor, Ajibefun

New helmsman assures of improved staff, students’ welfare 

 VISITOR to the Adekunle Ajasin University (AAUA), Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Governor Olusegun Mimiko, has assured the new vice chancellor of the school, Prof. Igbekele Ajibefun, of the state government’s continuous support to the institution in order to sustain the standard of excellence recorded by the outdone administration of the school.

The vice chancellor assumed duty on January 6, following the ann-ouncement of his appointment the previous day.

Mimiko spoke recently at a send-off dinner in honour of the immediate past vice chancellor of the institution, Prof. Femi Mimiko, at the Royal Bird Hotels, Akure. The dinner was at the instance of the governing council of the school.

  The governor saluted Prof. Mimiko for justifying the confidence reposed in him and for being a worthy ambassador of the Mimiko Family, by demonstrating quality leadership at AAUA without compromising standards.

  He stressed that the state government deliberately ensured access to quality education through the introduction of affordable school fees, but without compromising standards, thus settling the age-old conflict between access and quality service. 

  Mimiko pledged that despite the state’s shrinking resources, “We will still do what is necessary to sustain the existing standard,” adding, “We will give the new vice chancellor the necessary support. I will not send any name to you (Ajibefun) for admission or for staff promotion. We will support you to continue on the merit-driven admission.”

   The state’s helmsman also pledged that government would rally round the governing council to enable it to make meaningful impact on the school. 

  Pro-Chancellor of the institution, Ambassador Oladele Akadiri, OON, thanked the out gone vice chancellor, whose successful five-year tenure ended Sunday, January 4, 2015, for achieving a most significant feat for the university, noting that its rating as the best state university in Nigeria by the United States Transparency International Standards in 2014, was not unconnected with the modest efforts of the Prof. Mimiko-led administration.

   In his remark, Prof. Ajibefun described Prof. Mimiko as a man of excellence, erudite scholar and astute administrator, whose immense contributions to the upliftment of AAUA were unparalleled, even as he hinted that plans were on to honour the immediate past vice chancellor.

  In his response, Prof. Mimiko appreciated God for giving him the grace to contribute to the development of the university and thanked the university community for supporting him.

   He advised the new vice chancellor to avoid any distraction in the administration of the school. 

  At the dinner, where the guest speaker and former vice chancellor of the school, Funso Akere, examined “Effective University Administration in Nigeria and the Challenge of Leadership,” others in attendance were council members; AAUA principal officers, top university officials, top government functionaries in the state, family members, friends and well-wishers.

  Meanwhile, Ajibefun has pledged to see to improved staff and student welfare in the institution. He stated this when he held separate introductory meetings with the academic, non-academic staff as well as student leaders of the institution.

 Prof. Ajibefun, in all the meetings, stressed the need for all hands to be on deck in order to consolidate and improve on the legacies of the outgone administration.

