MinDiver begins third training on jewellery

Engr. Sallim Salaam

Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, yesterday, began the third round of skills acquisition training on jewellery and gemstone sub-sector of the mineral and metals industry. The training, funded by the World Bank through the Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MinDiver), has admitted 22 trainees from across the country.

Addressing the trainees in Abuja, Project Coordinator for MinDiver, Sallim Salaam, said the trainees should consider themselves fortunate to have been selected for the programme, as the selection process was highly competitive.

He encouraged the trainees to take the programme seriously, as the knowledge they be valuable for a lifetime.

“The training, the first of its kind in Nigeria, was explicitly designed to equip graduates with the necessary skills to compete globally. It was launched in November 2021 as part of the ministry’s efforts to develop the downstream sector, create employment, empower young people, alleviate poverty and create wealth,” he said.

In a similar development, the local and international consultants and instructors on the programme led by Mr. Adebanjo Temitope, said they were on the visit to reassure the project of their plans to equip the trainees with the best possible skills within the timeframe they have for the programme.

The team included Nalinda Senavirathna, Anuva Sanatu Samavaweva (Sri Lanka), Toyin Awodeji (United States) and local trainers.


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