MinDiver empowers youths to boost mining diversification

The Ministry of Solid Minerals Development has initiated an entrepreneurship and empowerment scheme in jewelry making with support from the Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification (MinDiver) project to train youths across Nigeria.
The initiative aims at developing the downstream sector of the mining industry and fostering economic diversification. 
The programme recently celebrated the graduation of its advanced master jewelers, presenting them with certificates upon completing the advanced gemstone and jewelry-making master training programme.

Out of the 71 graduates of the programme, 25 completed an additional eight-week training to qualify for advanced certification. Batch three comprised 15 advanced graduate trainees, while batches one and two had 10 graduates each. 
The programme, which commenced in November 2021, aligns with the federal government’s efforts to develop the downstream sector of the mining industry for the economic diversification of Nigeria.

MinDiver Project Coordinator, Sallim Salaam, emphasized the need for the advanced class to bridge the knowledge and skill gap in the jewelry industry. He stated that this advanced training was essential as some graduates demonstrated excellence and needed further training to enhance their capabilities in the country’s jewelry industry.
Salaam highlighted that the program contributes to MinDiver’s strategic goals of intervening in the mining spectrum, adding value to mineral products, and aligning with the government’s economic diversification objectives, with support from the World Bank to enhance creativity and entrepreneurship skills among Nigerians.

Tejiri Omologe, a graduate from batch two, praised the program’s impact, stating that it broadened their horizons and equipped them with sophisticated tools and training. She acknowledged the scarcity of such resources among Nigerian jewelers and commended MinDiver for providing access.
Omologe believes that with effective follow-up mechanisms and government support, graduates can sustain their skills and contribute to the growth of the jewelry industry. 
Another graduate, Atungwu Adams, expressed confidence that the acquired skills will significantly develop the jewelry industry in Nigeria, placing the country on the world map.
The programme aims to train graduates to become trainers in their respective states, creating a multiplier effect in the jewelry-making sector and facilitating knowledge transfer. Adams suggested decentralizing the program to all states to establish jewelry training centers, emphasizing the importance of sustaining this initiative for long-term sectoral growth.


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