Minister intervenes in ARCON dispute, reconstitutes board

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa has waded into the dispute rocking the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and called on the parties to abide by the resolutions and withdraw court cases to allow for sustainable peace and progress in the architectural profession.

Dangiwa who spoke at the inauguration of the Council in Abuja, urged the newly reconstituted members to conduct themselves as a revered profession, saying, that without a peaceful environment there can never be meaningful progress.

“Let us do this for the profession that has made us, let us do this for the future and careers of those coming behind us, let us do this for the country and the housing sector,” the minister said.

He urged them to demonstrate the ability to organise ARCON, and show that they can lead the industry, as well as determine what standards of knowledge and skills persons seeking to become members of the architectural profession need to attain from time to time.

The minister said: “Each member must strive in the conduct of the assignment to be selfless, professional, above board and focused on the interest of the profession, the country and teeming architects, which is a major driver of economic growth.

“ARCON was created as a policy-making organ of government to help in promoting the development and growth of the architectural profession. This is because the Federal Government recognises the need to regulate and maintain standards in the built environment.”


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