MIPAD unveils class of 2023 Honorees

THE Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) has announced the Class of 2023 honorees in two global 100 lists; Health & Wellness Edition and 100 Under 40 Edition. In the spirit of recognition and in accordance with the first pillar of the International Decade for People of African Descent, MIPAD highlights individuals, organisations and governments who have distinguished themselves in the advancement of people of African descent worldwide.

Kamil Olufowobi, Chief Executive Officer, MIPAD, said that the global lists are in continuation of the group’s effort towards highlighting the positive contributions made by people of African descent worldwide.

“We continue to amplify global black narratives and showcase the many untold stories of our struggles and triumphs in every corner of the world, sometimes in unexpected places and high positions,” he added.”

MIPAD congratulates these outstanding personalities and high achievers of African descent from around the world for their positive contributions to humanity. 

The Class of 2023 Global Top 100 Under 40 List is across 4 categories; Politics & Governance; Business & Entrepreneurship; Media & Culture; Activism & Humanitarian Endeavors. Class of 2023 Global Top 100 Health & Wellness List, across 5 categories; Government, Associations & Regulatory Bodies. Foundations, NGO & Non-Profits. Corporate Executives & Technology Entrepreneurs. Wellness & Mental Health. Specialists & Others.

The Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) is a global civil society initiative in support of the International Decade for People of African Descent, proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly resolution 68/237, to be observed from 2015 to 2024. 

MIPAD identifies high achievers of African descent in public and private sectors from all around the world as a progressive network of relevant actors to join together in the spirit of recognition, justice and development.

