MNOs to Get Super-Agent Role in Mobile Money Ecosystem

mobile-moneyCONTRARY to speculations making the rounds that Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is planning to license Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to operate Mobile Money business.

They will be given approval to operate as Super Agent as the CBN had decided to review its policy on mobile money to accommodate the telcos because it realised that they (telcos) have huge infrastructure and actually provide the enabling infrastructure for mobile money agents to work.

Emmanuel Okoegwale, Principal Associate, Mobilemoney Africa, said that there is a fundamental difference between licensing and approvals.

“I believe the MNOs will be granted an approval to operate within certain and clear rules as mandated by the regulator as super agents to the licensed providers with limits to what they can offer like not having their own customers. MNOs approvals to operate super agency will leverage current licensees and it is not a license on its own to operate and own mobile money customers as some people may have believed. It is to serve the customers of licensed providers and if well implemented and managed, it will impact positively on the industry,” he said.

It would be recalled that mobile money experts have stressed the need for telecommunications operators to be directly involve in the mobile money ecosystem to enable greater growth.

