MoMo champions SME empowerment

Small and Medium Enterprises

MOMO Payment Service Bank (PSB), a leading digital financial services player, is celebrating its second-year anniversary with a series of month-long activities designed to commemorate this milestone.

Among the key events is the recently held stakeholder conference in Lagos, where industry leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders gathered to discuss pivotal topics in the financial sector.

The theme for the conference, “Empowering SMEs through Digital Financial Solutions,” underscored the crucial role that digital financial services play in supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across Nigeria.

This initiative is part of MoMo PSB’s ongoing efforts to enhance financial inclusion, a critical component for economic growth and stability in the country.

In its two years of operation, MoMo PSB has aligned itself with the financial inclusion strategies of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The stakeholder conference featured panel discussions, presentations, and insights from policy regulators, industry players, and SME experts on key issues within the digital economy sector, addressing various aspects of Nigeria’s financial services landscape.

Discussions revolved around regulatory frameworks, technological innovations, and strategies for enhancing financial inclusion, with a particular focus on empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Speaking at the event, CEO, MoMo PSB, Eli Hini, stated: “The challenge for SMEs is attracting interest and investment. Strong organization is key. When your business is structured and accessible, it becomes attractive to potential investors and partners. This opens doors to additional solutions that can drive your business further.”
