Mothering Family: Investing life in your home and family

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

Happy mothering Sunday to all mothers across the Anglican World.

We celebrate with love, all the wives of our Archbishops, Bishops and church fathers, especially our mother, the wife of our Primate, Mrs. Angela Ndukuba. With love and honour, I celebrate these mothers who over the years have made great impact in my life, as a person: Mrs Hope Njideka Nwaobia (wife of the Archbishop of Aba Province); Mrs Precious N. Enyindah (wife of the Archbishop of Niger Delta Province); Princess Odionyenfe Kanu (wife of the Bishop of Aba Ngwa North Diocese) and my wife, Mrs Esther Chinwe Wolemonwu. Others are my mothers: Mrs Rose Wolemonwu, Mrs Eunice N. Meka and every other woman who in one way and the other have made great impact in my life, God bless you and keep you strong. A happy mothering Sunday to all wonderful homemakers.
Everyman Is A Product Of Investment.
Know this:
• You are what you sowed yesterday.
• You are what your parents sowed yesterday.
• You could be a product of what a stranger sowed yesterday.

We are all what our environment and the society have sown. If the investment is that relevant, then we must take every moment we have to seriously contribute to human development.

What is Investment?

This is defined as: “To use money to buy; that is shares or property, develop a business enterprise in order to earn interest, bring profit or improve the quality of something. It also means to give time, effort or energy to a particular task, especially for some serious purpose or useful result.

Sometimes, we invest with the mindset for gain, but the realities of life is that not all investments bring the desired results. Let us consider our discussion, in the context of sowing and the values.
What is Value?
• The worth of something in terms of money or other goods for which it can be exchanged.
• The quality of being useful or important.

Before anything can be useful or important we must have ‘INVESTED’ in it:
• I – Interest
• N – Nearness
• V – Value – worth risking
• E – Endure the risk
• S – Sure – faith in better future
• T – Trust
• E – Envelope – protect
• D – Dearly

Bringing this into the family and relationship, we will all agree that:
• For your life to have usefulness, you must have invested values over time.
• For your spouse to have usefulness, you must have invested values and love over time.
• For your children to have usefulness, you must have invested discipline and care over time.

Tips On Values
• What you don’t value will not have value.
• What you don’t value is worth no value.
• Whatever that has value now can lose value anytime.
• The rock of investment is about what you ‘give,’ rather than what you ‘get.’
• Life is all about demand and supply.

Some people are better referred to as: ‘Psycho Demanding Monsters (PDM).’ They only sap, suck, and stray whatever they come in contact with.

There Are Two Sides To This Discussion:
• The value, and benefit of a godly woman.
• The importance of aiding godliness.

In life, there are those whose life are characterised with ‘virus’ – they corrupt anything they come in contact with; this is alienate to positive way of Life. Life is a gift on itself and daily, we are loaded with the gifts associated with it. Gift is a magnet that can bring generational impact (Luke 6:38). “Give and it shall be given to you: good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

The Benefit Of Aiding Godliness (A case study of Joseph/Mary Matt 1:19-25)
• Before you can be godly as a woman or an individual, you must be made alive through salvation and godly walk with God and selfless work for God. Eph 2:1 says: “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sin.”

To be alive is only possible by the power of the Holy spirit working in us. Gal 5:16 says: “I say then: walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” To the Galatian Church, certain things made them live a contradictory lifestyle to their profession and faith. These include:
• Gal 5:15 – They bite and devour one another.
• Gal 5:14 – Love was absent among them.
• Gal 5:13 – They thought Christian freedom was ‘a freedom to do anything and everything they are pleased with.’ Christian freedom does not imply: ‘loosed to the Flesh.’

In Building Godly Values, The Following Must Be Adhered To:

• God first (Matt 6:33-34, Ps 9:10, 27:1-5, Jer. 29:11-13). 2: Speak faithfully (Gen 2:18, Prov. 27:5-6, 31: 8-9). 3: Reflect true beauty (Prov. 31: 30, 1 pet 3:3-5). 4: Stay Humble (Isaiah 66:2). 5: Serve the Lord (John 12:25-26, Gal 1:10). 6: Love at all times (Rom 12:9).
• Godly Women Are Proven (how to know them Prov. 7:6-27):

i. (Vs. 19) — In the absence of the husband, she is still virtuous.
ii. (Vs. 10) — In her attire, she depicts godliness and beauty
iii. (Vs. 11) — She is not loud and rebellious
iv. (Vvs. 11-12) — She is a home woman; not a ‘Jumpy woman’
v. (Vvs. 13-18)— She is not a trap for gullible men.
vi. (Vs. 21) — She does not flatter with her lips.
vii. (Vvs. 22-27) — She does not cause the death of great destinies.

The Beauty Of Godliness (Prov. 28:9, 31:10):
• She is priceless.
• She makes the husband valued.
• She is health to the family.
• She is an assets (Prov 31:13-16).
• She is strong.
• She is sensitive.
• She helps the poor and needy.
• She is not afraid of good risk.
• She advertises the husband through her good life, and her industry promotes the husband’s name.
• Her mouth is full of wisdom.
• Her family praises her.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised,” (Prov. 31:30).

