Mother’s Day: Fubara commends mothers for peace building role

Gov. Siminalayi Fubara. Photo:Twitter

Gov. Siminalayi Fubara of Rivers, has commended mothers for the crucial role they play in the sustenance of peace, harmony and nation-building.

Fubara gave the commendation on Sunday in commemoration of the 2024 edition of Mother’s Day Celebration in Port Harcourt.

Fubara said in a statement issued by Mr Nelson Chukwudi, the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, that mothers are the foundation upon which families and society are built.

The governor said that their resilience and perseverance had helped foster peace in families, communities and the nation at large.

He particularly praised the mothers in Rivers for their faith and support to the state government in spite of the clandestine attempts by detractors to create an atmosphere of crisis and paint negative narrative to scare away investors.

He said that the attempt by detractors to create atmosphere of crisis would have threatened the safety and security of residents, insisting that such nefarious moves had already failed.

The governor urged mothers to continue to nurture the young ones on moral uprightness and fortitude, while remaining steadfast in promoting peace in the state.

“As mothers, the Rivers state government appreciates your invaluable sacrifices to make the state peaceful, prosperous and progressive.

“That the state is now a melting pot of investments and tourism is principally because of your commitment to building peaceful families and communities.

“Your motherly dedication to our children’s upbringing, nurturing and ultimately contributing to the socio-economic fabric of our society deserves accolades.

“We remain committed to policies designed to empower you to do more to help your husbands and indeed the government to succeed.

“As a government, we acknowledge the tireless efforts you have made and continue to make as role models and virtuous examples of bridge builders across all spectrums of society.

“The values of motherhood which we share, greatly impact our spirit and gives us hope for a better tomorrow.

“The Rivers state government celebrates with you on this special occasion that calls for introspection on the core essence of motherhood.

“Together, let us continue to work towards creating a society reflective of and uplifted by our good and upright motherhood,” Fubara said.


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