Motivational Monday Quotes

It’s another Monday and last week was everything but calm. Last week was a revealing week, we lost some great people, who mattered to their families, friends, colleagues. May their souls rest in peace. We almost lost an upcoming musician (although it has been assumed that it was a publicity stunt).

Words cannot describe the impact last week has on this week. So you should be highly motivated because you are alive and well to read this post. So here are some motivational Monday quotes again.

Having the discussions with people about the previous week and these are the quotes that I feel represent the week we have.

When you’re dead and gone and your soul casually strolls to meet your market. What would be said about you? Who would you have influences to be better? Greater? Who would the world miss? A great man or a wuss?’ – Zeta

If I happen to wake up alive today. Then it is a very good day to be happy ‘ – Uzo

Keep calm. Focus. It is another good day to be alive ‘ – Zeta

