Moving Africa forward digitally with Nigeria first Agile Lean Coffee

Digital literacy and capacity building have evolved over the years. With the help of education, technological know-how, and diverse experiences aided by digitisation have launched productivity and effectiveness to the next level. People are more proactive in their fields. 
Before the advent of the Internet, the foundation of educational systems for literacy skills is dependent on the three R’s (R’s—Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic). They were equipping every educated individual to be literate. Today, the digital transformation wave is sweeping across every sector; exposing the digital skill gaps, especially amongst women and the importance of synchronizing the three R’s with the letter “D” – Digital.

Countries like the USA, China, India, and Japan top the list of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Africa, an endowed continent with enormous potential, needs urgent digital intervention to heighten her business growth and profitability on the wings of digital transformation. 
According to a recent report by International Finance Corporation (IFC); in the year 2030, “Sub-Saharan Africa will witness more than 210 million jobs requiring digital skills and expertise, translating into an opportunity estimated at $130 billion to provide digital skills through a combination of business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and business-to-government training services.” 
As the demand for digital skills increases in Africa and many corporations are comfortable hiring expatriates rather than Africans to fill these gaps, Africans lack the relevant digital skills to compete.
Hence, Learntor is driven to bridge the digital skill gap with bespoke digital training in Agile Scrum, Digital Marketing, Data Analysis and Business Analysis. Our growing community of over 1000 entrepreneurs and professionals is training over 2000 Nigerian for Free.
Learntor is hosting Nigerian’s first-ever Agile Lean Coffee with Jim Benson author and founder of Personal Kanban to the goal is to educate and expose Nigerians to the enormous opportunity within the Agile community with hopes to bridge the digital skill gap. 
What is Lean Coffee? It is a structured but agenda-less meeting for participants to gather and prioritize, collaborate, follow-up, build and develop agenda for deliberation to help everyone or someone find solutions or answers to a problem. These discussions are structured and productive based on the agenda for the meeting that is democratically generated by everyone. 
Lean Coffee is a powerful meeting and facilitation technique used in coffee shops, conferences, open space, Scrum events, or merely replacing existing corporate meeting formats. Lean Coffee is easy to learn, empowers participants and increases engagement. It is also fun as it allows for a free flow of discussions.
We invite you to join us today, February 17, 2021, at 5 PM WAT and you can sign up with this link You will be engaging with the founder of Lean Coffee to learn, unlearn and relearn potential skills useful not only in managing projects but also in our day-to-day living. 

Igbafe wrote from Lagos


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