Mr Universe Nigeria, Micheal Samuel Adebowale tasks students on mental health awareness

In commemoration of the 2023 Mental Health Awareness Week with the theme ‘Anxiety’, Mr Universe Nigeria, Micheal Adebowale has embarked on a tour of Nigerian schools to educate the younger generation on the importance of being aware and in control on their mental health.

During his visit to Methodist Girls High School, Sabo-Yaba, Michael who hails from Okene Local Government area in Kogi State and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from the University of Lagos explained to the students that Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem which is then regarded as a “Disorder”.

He went on to explain that ‘different things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including exam pressures, relationships, starting a new job (or losing one) or other big life events. We can also get anxious when it comes to things to do with money and not being able to meet our basic needs, but anxiety can be made easier to manage’.

He also took the students on some basic steps to cope with anxiety including, ‘focus on your breathing. When you’re having anxious thoughts try focusing on your breathing, concentrating on the feeling of your body as you breathe in and out. It can help you control the thought’.

‘Anxiety can lead us to think about things over and over again in our brain. This is called ‘rumination’ and it’s not helpful. When you catch yourself ruminating, try to write down the thought and to challenge it. Is what you’re worrying about likely to happen? Are you being realistic? Have you had similar thoughts which have not turned into reality? This can make it easier to challenge the thoughts and stop them from overwhelming you’ he added.

His interactive session with the students was followed with numerous questions which he gave explanatory answers to.

He also received great appreciation from management of the schools for his thoughtful effort to impact these young minds.
