Murder of Yoruba monarchs embarrassing, disgraceful, says Satguru Maharaj Ji

The Living Perfect Master and Founder of One Love Family, Satguru Maharaj Ji, has said that the recent murder of two traditional rulers in the South-West region of the country, precisely in Ekiti State, is yet another testimony against the handling of African heritage in Nigeria.

A statement he personally issued, yesterday, reads in part: “It is not gainsaying that our traditional African institutions have been extensively corrupted! Values and principles that are synonymous with low society’s filthy characters have crept into our once sacred traditional systems, by which money combines with abominable British colonial political constructs to constitute the forces that determine who occupy the revered thrones left behind by our profound and glorious ancestors.

“Preceding the advent of European raid, rape and desecration of Africa, African Kings emerged from puritan and powerful processes of inheritance, selection and grooming.”

“Our kings of old were no pedestrian souls. They were highly elevated spirits cast in the gleaming quintessence of high divine stratification. Kings, originally, were human incarnates of advanced souls. They were, by virtue of their towering spiritual status, recognised and revered as gods, and they very well functioned as such in total adherence to the immaculate norms of true royalty.

“In these Eurocentric days of open African disregard for African heritage in the name of Europe’s Jesus and Arabs’ Allah, we have known criminals and congenital abominations being crowned as kings.

“The powers of an authentic African king are bestowed on him by the ancestors through the sacred intermediary of relevant deities. In this wise, the life of a true African monarch lies in the hands of the super-powerful ancestors and deities who established him as king. Such monarchs are not beings to be confronted or killed by mere mortals!

“African kings made so by the feeble power of money spewing from the deep pockets of corruption are the monarchs whose wives are raped by hoodlums on palace grounds. They are the species of traditional rulers who eat and booze in public.

“A true African king does not lay curses. He is a lover who rules with the humane and objective firmness of the divine spirits that authenticate and fortify his throne. A king has no business doing business directly. He is catered for by The Supreme Creator and the ancestors who bless his subjects well enough to supply him all needed or desired material comfort. In other words, he is to use his subjects responsibly as proxies.

“An African king who dances in public is indirectly announcing his desire to quit the throne! The very moment our traditional rulers embraced the idea of building churches or mosques on their palace-premises, they became qualified for open disrespect and public disgrace, leading to gradual death.”


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