Music Lyrics Are Getting Simpler And Invoking Anger – Study

Woman listening to music

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports suggests a surprising trend in popular music: lyrics are becoming simpler, angrier, and more repetitive.

Researchers analyzed lyrics from over 12,000 English-language songs released between 1980 and 2020, encompassing genres like rap, pop, rock, R&B, and country.

The study revealed a decline in the average number of unique words used in songs across all genres. Rap songs, known for their complex wordplay, showed the most significant decrease, followed by rock. This trend aligns with the rise of shorter song lengths and a focus on catchy hooks.

“The findings suggest a shift towards a more commercially driven approach to music production,” said lead author Eva Zangerle, an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck’s Department of Computer Science in Austria. “Songs might be designed to be easily remembered and leave a lasting impression, but with potentially less focus on lyrical depth.”

The study also found an increase in the use of anger-related words across all genres. Researchers speculate this could reflect broader cultural anxieties or be a deliberate strategy to evoke strong emotions in listeners.

Analysis of online lyric searches revealed a fascinating detail: listeners seemed to favor older rock songs with more complex lyrics, while newer country songs with potentially simpler language saw a rise in searches. This could indicate a growing appreciation for the lyrical craftsmanship of earlier music.

“Music has always been a powerful tool for storytelling,” said Dr. Michael Baker, a music historian at the University of London. “A focus on simpler lyrics could potentially limit the impact and emotional resonance of music for some listeners.”

“The findings suggest a potential prioritization of memorability and emotional impact over lyrical intricacy,” said lead researcher Dr. Eva Zangerle. “This could be a reflection of how music is consumed today, often as background noise or on short attention-span platforms like TikTok.”

As we multitask, juggling work, social media, and household chores, music often serves as a backdrop. We play it while cooking, commuting, or even during Zoom meetings. In this context, simplicity reigns supreme. Lyrics that are easy to grasp and hum along to become our companions in the background.


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