Mutfwang lifts curfew in Plateau LG after five months

Plateau State governor Caleb Mutfwang

Plateau State has lifted the curfew in Mangu Local Government Area five months after violent attacks on some communities.

Governor Caleb Mutfwang’s spokesperson, Gyang Bere, made the announcement in a statement on Sunday.

Bere said the decision to lift the order by Mutfwang was taken after “careful consultation” with the state security council, giving a return of normalcy to the affected communities.

He added that the decision is also to pave the way for residents in the communities to engage in agricultural and economic activities.

Bere also disclosed that Mutfwang encouraged community leaders across the divides of faith and ethnicity to continue with strategic dialogue, nurturing trust, fostering tolerance, and promoting better understanding among the people.

He, however, urged residents to embrace peace and unity and to remain their brother’s keepers to foster peaceful coexistence in their communities.


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