Mutfwang urges dialogue over communal clashes in Langtang communities

Gov. Caleb Mutfwang.Photo:Twitter

Gov. Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau has called for dialogue and truce over the recent outbreak of communal clashes in Langtang North in Mikang Local Government Areas (LGA) of the state.

This is contained in a statement issued by Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Governor, Mr Gyang Bere, on Monday in Jos.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that clashes broke out on March 23 and March 24 in communities bordering Langtang North and Mikang Local Government Areas of the state.
The governor, while extending his sympathies to the victims, condemned the clashes, saying they were unnecessary and unacceptable.

He urged all the parties involved in the clashes to come to a truce and embrace dialogue instead of engaging in breakdown of law and order.

According to him, such acts undermine government’s efforts at fostering peace and unity among citizens of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, with the collective aim of advancing the state’s growth and prosperity.
Expressing dismay over the conflict, the governor underscored the importance of dialogue as the most civilised and effective means of conflict resolution.
He queried the rationale behind individuals resorting to violence and taking laws into their hands, targeting innocent communities.

Mutfwang called on security agencies to respond decisively and hold the perpetrators and their sponsors accountable, with the full weight of the law.

The governor also called swift mobilisation to the affected areas to prevent any further escalation of the situation.

He appealed to traditional, community and religious leaders as well as key stakeholders from the affected communities to initiate dialogue and work toward amicable resolution of the disputes in order to foster an atmosphere of harmonious co-existence.
Mutfwang reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to establishing lasting peace in the state.

“I look forward to a united, tranquil and thriving Plateau where all citizens, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, will support one another with a spirit of brotherhood,” he said.


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