My loss in April 11 election is God’s will – Lagos Deputy Speaker

kolawole- image source ladiakanni
kolawole- image source ladiakanni

Mr Taiwo Kolawole, Deputy Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly says his defeat in the April 11 election is God’s will.

Kolawole told newsmen on Wednesday that his party, APC should take into consideration, seniority to decide who would emerge the next Speaker of the House.

The present Speaker, Mr Adeyemi Ikuforiji did not seek reelection to the House.

Kolawole said: “I’m not disturbed; I have contested elections six times and only lost two.

“My thanks go to those who voted for me and those who didn’t vote for me, I am grateful to all my constituents for their support.

“My people have been supportive. They had voted for me four times and I’m now a free man.

“I had been living an abnormal life, I couldn’t do things the way I wanted.

“As the deputy speaker, they wouldn’t allow me to drive myself, but I’m a workaholic, I can drive myself now to anywhere I prefer,” he said.

Kolawole advised the party’s leadership in the state to take into consideration experience and competence while deciding on the speaker for the 8th Assembly.

According to him, the issue of speakership transcends zoning and the ability to make laws.

The lawmaker said that elders in the House should be made to have a say in taking the decision.

