‘My new album, ‘Rebel Queen’ will change how fans consume music’

You have a new song out now. What was the idea behind ‘Tomorrow’?
‘Tomorrow’ is a special song to me. It is a dance/conscious oriented song that reminds us of the endless possibilities and a second chance that ‘tomorrow’ gives every one of us.It was borne from bare melodies that manifested into words that everyone can relate to.

I am glad that the song gained massive acceptance since its release and the whole world is dancing to it.

You have consistently dropped songs over the years. What has been your driving force to have remained relevant in the music industry for so long?
I will try to explain it in words. I love music. It is the one thing that I’m incredibly gifted at. I am deeply rooted and connected to music. For me, it’s therapy, life and it has chosen me as a messenger. That’s how I can explain it.

You are also constantly travelling, performing at various concerts and festivals around the world. How do you find time to write and record new songs?
There is will always be time for the things that are most important and writing music is something I always do with ease on the road as I make voice notes very frequently and later create the production.

When and how do you relax?
I like to visit new food spots that have excellent reviews and when I feel like I need new stimuli, I go to a new country and get a villa to myself with a personal chef and a view that’s breath taking. It relaxes me immensely.

The music industry is very tough now with content overload, especially in Nigeria where many songs are released daily. How do you manage to reinvent yourself and your music?
The reality of the matter is that the music industry has always been tough. Even before I showed any interest in music, it was tough and will continue to be tough. But you know what they say about tough situations, only the strongest will survive.

On October 2, 2024, you would have officially been on the music scene actively for a decade, how does that make you feel?
A decade is a long time! However, officially, it will be 14 years in the industry that I started music professionally if you count from my first song ‘Fimisile’ featuring eldeethdon

Many people have different views of who Yemi Alade is. In your own words, who is Yemi Alade?
I am myself. I am true, african and incredibly authentic. There is no one like me. I’m unique! A rare gem! Trail blazer. An African rebel making her way in this diverse word of monotony.

Looking at the trajectory of your music career with a new album ready, what inspires your album title including the recent one you want to release in 2024?
Growing up, African Pop music was a mixture of music that carry messages and help us through different situations in life.
This album is a blend of what my playlist consists of right now; the new and old pop music that cuts across generations and boundaries. I am generally known as someone who has always charted her own couse and walked the path less travelled.

I am a true rebel in words and in action. So many albums tend to have monotony in genre and style and it bores me easily most times.

This album has something new, old and borrowed. I want to emphasize to you that every song is unique and a capsule of my thoughts and melodies and truck load of nostalgia.

Tell us about the tracks list?
Its a 16 track album that takes you through sounds of Africa on different tempos and rhythms with features from a few of your favorite artistes from different parts of the world.

What are the major themes in your forthcoming album?
Feminity, style, dance, motivational, liberation and consciousness.

How often does your personal life experiences influenced a song?
My songs are a reflection of who I am. My personal life experiences influences my songs 90 per cent of the time

How would you describe your music evolution over the years?
I honestly have just continued to make music with the constant element being Yemi Alade.

One question many will ask aside your music career is your love life. Are you in a relationship at the moment and are you looking at walking down the aisle anytime soon?
I would like people to continue to focus on the things that I am willing to share with them which is the music. The focus is my music. Please run up the numbers people.

What is the biggest thing stardom and fame has deprived you of in the last 10 years?
Personal space and sometimes freedom of expression without being judged.

What do you regard as the next level for you personally?
Life is a personal journey for everyone. For me, I’m on course to discovering that.

What’s your biggest worry at this stage of your life and career?
My worries have all been cast on God.
