N44.4b Fraud: Allegations against Humanitarian Minister diversionary, say NSIPA, Arewa Group

Halima Shehu

NECA Tasks EFCC On Thorough Probe
The management of the National Social Investment Programme Agency (NSIPA) has said that social media reports trying to link the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Dr. Betta Edu, to ongoing investigation of the suspended National Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer, (CEO) of the agency, Halima Shehu, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over allegations of fraud are false and should be ignored.

The Arewa Integrity Group has also described as diversionary any attempt to rope the Minister in the scandal.

However, the North-East Consultative Assembly (NECA), yesterday, joined those advocating for justice and fairness in the case of the suspended NSIPA boss, saying it “stands with Halima Shehu and seeks a just and fair resolution to this matter.”

A statement signed by the National Communications Manager of NSIPA, Jamaludeen Kabir, titled ‘NSIPA Clarification: Setting the Record Straight on Recent Allegations and Affirming Commitment to Transparency,’ noted that under the guidance of the acting National Coordinator and CEO, Dr. Akindele Egbuwalo, the agency was demonstrating full support and collaboration towards ongoing investigation by the EFCC.

The statement said: “NSIPA vehemently distances itself from any claims connecting the honourable minister to financial impropriety or any wrongdoing within the agency. It is crucial to emphasise that the honourable minister has had no involvement in any financial transactions or decisions within NSIPA currently under scrutiny.

“The Communications Office of NSIPA issues this statement in response to recent online media reports inaccurately linking the honourable Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Dr. Betta Edu, to the ongoing investigations involving the alleged mismanagement of funds by Hajiya Halima Shehu, the suspended National Coordinator and CEO of NSIPA.

“Importantly, NSIPA emphasises the distinction between the suspended National Coordinator/CEO and the agency itself, highlighting that the actions of the former do not reflect the agency’s practices or principles.

“The integrity and commitment of NSIPA to serving vulnerable communities in Nigeria remain steadfast. The agency operates with strict adherence to due process and prudent financial management in line with the regulations outlined in our establishment act and directives of the Federal Executive Council (FEC).”

The agency, therefore, called on Nigerians to ensure the dissemination of accurate information and avoid spreading baseless allegations that could unfairly tarnish the reputation of individuals or institutions.

“NSIPA urges the public and media outlets to verify facts before making assertions and refrain from associating the Honourable Minister with the ongoing investigations, as she holds no responsibility for the current circumstances at NSIPA,” the statement added.
On its part, the Arewa Integrity Group noted that the motive behind the campaign of calumny against the minister was meant to distract the investigation into the agency.

The Convener of the group, Alhaji Ibrahim Sambo, at a press conference in Kano yesterday, lauded the minister for not compromising her integrity by refusing to aid the wrongful conduct at NSPIA.

Sambo also hailed the removal of Shehu over the alleged diversion of N44.8 billion into private accounts, and insisted that corruption must not be allowed to fight back against the minister.

“Our investigations reveal that the campaign to drag Dr Edu in the multi-billion-naira NSIPA fraud scandal is based on deliberate falsehood and at diverting the attention of the EFCC,” the group said.

The group further said that the money spent for the national verification of the National Social Register quoted by some critics as evidence of Dr Edu’s collusion, was duly approved by President Bola Tinubu and the Federal Executive Council in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda to expand the contentious register as well as sanitise its operations.

“It is also public knowledge that the programme embarked on by the Ministry under the current Minister, Dr. Betta Edu, thus far, including Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme, Grants for Vulnerable Groups and others, all secured the approval of the President,” the group emphasised.

Sambo argued that it was standard practice and procedure in the public service for MDAs to appoint project managers or project accountants for specific projects.

He noted that to avoid bottlenecks, funds are sent directly to the account of a designated officer who disburses such funds as approved and retires the same with receipts and or evidence after such projects are completed.

Commending the EFCC over the ongoing investigations into the financial fraud in NSIPA, the Arewa Group urged the anti-graft body not to be distracted. It further expressed confidence in the EFCC, through its investigation, to provide answers to the vital questions on whose authority the former National Coordinator of the NSIPA withdrew N44.4 billion from the government account and diverted the same into various private accounts.

It  also warned that it would not allow fifth columnists and their sponsors to derail the government’s effort in providing succour to vulnerable Nigerians in line with President TInubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

However, NECA said it found it necessary to add its voice to the calls for a review of the process that led to Shehu’s suspension and subsequent investigation by the EFCC over missing N37 billion from the coffers of the agency.

A statement by the national chairman of NECA, Abba Rious Borguma, said President Bola Tinubu as a meticulous, thoroughbred democrat must not compromise his principles for the interests of ministers in charge of overseeing agencies and parastatals.

The group acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations against Shehu’s supervising minister, Edu, and the need for a thorough investigation.

It noted that the minister was recently fingered in a leaked memo on the diversion of N585.1 million fund for vulnerable groups, saying it was unacceptable and must be thoroughly investigated.

“The allegations against officials of the ministry involving unauthorised and fraudulent transfers of funds from the agency’s Remita account to individual accounts are grave and demand immediate attention,” the group noted.

It urged President Tinubu to order an independent administrative enquiry into the allegations of breach, by Edu, of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulatory policy that restricts the arbitrary interference of ministries in the financial management of parastatals) and agencies under them.

It added: “In contravention of the CBN regulation that seeks to ensure that these entities have autonomy in managing their financial affairs without undue interference from the government, the Humanitarian Minister was said to have masterminded a fraudulent diversion of funds from the NSIPA accounts without the necessary approvals.

“On December 20, 2023, for instance, the minister reportedly used the office of the Accountant General of the Federation to perform transactions amounting to a staggering N11 billion. These funds were withdrawn from the NSIPA Remita account without the knowledge or consent of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Accounting Officer of the Agency.

“This deliberate bypass of the agency’s financial structure has resulted in monies being paid out running into several billions of naira out of the agency’s Remita account with the CBN, without the knowledge or approval of the National Coordinator and without due regard to stipulated financial regulations,” the group said.

NECA said it firmly believes that due process must be followed in handling issues related to the suspension or removal of public officers and political appointees confirmed by the Senate. The organisation implored Tinubu to ensure fairness and justice in the case, as it is a fundamental tenet of democracy.

“The North-East Consultative Forum stands with Halima Shehu and seeks a just and fair resolution to this matter. We believe that everyone has the right to a fair hearing and that judgment should be based on evidence and due process, not on political maneuvering or personal vendettas. NECA urges all parties involved to focus on the facts and to act with integrity, transparency and accountability.

“NECA also calls on fellow citizens and civil society organisations to continue advocating for justice and fairness in this case. It is crucial that the voices of the people are heard and that our leaders are reminded of their responsibility to uphold the principles of democracy and justice,” the statement noted.


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