Nailing A kind Heart (2)

LoveContinued from last week Saturday

WHEN a man experiences setback and downturn in his finances, it’s not the end of life and this should be the time his wife must stay beside him, comforting and making him happy. Poju changed drastically when things went awry for Biodun. From that week onwards she started keeping late nights. She would leave home in the morning and come back home around 12 midnight. If her husband should complain she would lash out at him with her acerbic tongue. She would rain abusive words on him, even cursing him in the verbal tirade.

Poju made life a complete hell for her husband. She started dating an elderly man who was in his sixties. The man, chief Mojede was a multi-millionaire with chains of companies spread all over the nation. Chief Mojede spoilt her silly with cash and other material things; he bought a brand new wonder-on-wheels jeep for her, two months into the extramarital affair. Poju made life unbearable for Biodun to the extent that he started contemplating suicide.

Poju avoided Biodun like a plague and treated him like someone infected with a most incurable terminal disease. For one whole year she bluntly refused his love advances. Life was gradually becoming boring, uninteresting, sad and hellish for the young man. And he was really in love with her. She had stolen his heart and was tossing it anyhow she wanted. One day he broke down and wept bitterly because he couldn’t find joy again and life seemed meaningless.

To make matters worse, Poju eloped with Chief Mojede. The rich chief rented a duplex for her in Ikeja GRA. That was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, because Biodun felt really betrayed, hopeless, sad and morose. Biodun went deeper into the cave of loneliness. Each day in his eyes looked bleak, gloomy and bad.

Biodun was at the brink of madness and losing his mind when an old friend visited him. He broke down and cried bitterly while narrating his problem to Seyi that sunny afternoon. Seyi was an alma mater. Seyi introduced him to wood business; he borrowed him the initial capital to start the business and within two years of trading in wood Biodun had become very rich and successful.

Biodun’s business was transporting different types of wood from the south-west to Lagos and selling them to buyers at agreed prices. On one of his business trips to the south-west Biodun met and fell in love with a charming young lady, Bimbo, who came from a respectable and humble background. They courted for a short while and got married despite the fact that Biodun had kids from another woman. Biodun assured her that his former marriage was no hindrance because it wasn’t a court wedding and that he was free to marry another woman since there were no strings attached, explaining that his former wife was now married to another man. Bimbo was homely, lovely and accommodating.

A year after the society wedding between Biodun and Bimbo, they were blessed with twins, two boys. Bimbo treated Biodun’s former kids like her own biological children. At last things had taken a new turn for Biodun. He had finally found joy! He was even living in his own personal house that gulped multimillions of naira which was located in a rich neighbourhood.

Exactly five years later, Chief Mojede’s business suffered a terrible setback and it collapsed eventually. The chief had no any other option than to send Poju out of the duplex he rented for her and he also took back the two cars he had bought for her. Chief Mojede lamented that Poju’s ill-luck and bad destiny was the reason for his misfortune. Poju cried bitterly as the chief drove her away from his presence, and in complete shame she packed her belongings into the street. She was even sacked from her place of work for her unbecoming and lacklustre attitude to work.

On a particular Saturday afternoon, Biodun was driving his metallic white Mercedez Benz jeep along Lagos Island, with his delectable wife by his side when he suddenly saw Poju at the bus stop, sweating in the scorching sun. He was shocked and flabbergasted!

