Naomi Omonua’s EdTech platform Nazee Consult revolutionises education in Nigeria

Naomi Omonua.

Naomi Omonua, a 24-year-old rising star from Edo State, is revolutionising the landscape of education through her groundbreaking EdTech platform, Nazee Consult. With half a decade of experience in entrepreneurship, digital product creation, and coaching, Naomi is positioning herself as a front-liner in the educational technology sector.

Naomi’s journey into EdTech began at an early age, driven by her passion for both learning and technology. Her innovative spirit has culminated in the creation of Nazee Consult, an educational technology platform designed to provide students with the tools and support they need to manage projects effectively from inception to completion.

Nazee Consult offers a comprehensive suite of features, including, mentorship support, project management templates, diploma courses, ebooks, workshops, community engagement, and internship opportunities.

By integrating these functionalities, Nazee Consult aims to enhance students’ organisational skills, teamwork, and overall project management capabilities.

Naomi emphasises the critical nature of project management across all sectors of the economy. Effective project managers are essential for driving initiatives to successful completion, ensuring projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. They coordinate teams, manage resources, and mitigate risks, all fundamental to achieving organisational goals.

Recognising the universal importance of these skills, Nazee Consult prioritises project management education to cultivate a generation of adept professionals ready to excel in any field. Naomi’s platform lays the foundation for future leaders capable of navigating complex challenges and delivering impactful results.

Naomi is fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among her peers. By showcasing what is possible with determination and technical skills, she inspires a new generation of young people to explore careers in technology and education.

Looking to the future, Naomi aims to scale Nazee Consult to reach aspiring project managers across Nigeria and eventually the entire continent. Her ultimate goal is to create a lasting impact on the education system, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.

In an era where technology is rapidly changing the way we live and learn, Naomi Omonua stands out as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her story is a testament to the power of youth, innovation, and the boundless potential that lies within every young mind.

Naomi Omonua continues to inspire and lead, showcasing the profound impact one individual can have on education through technology.


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