NAPPS charges govt on respect for pacts with workers

[FILES] National President, Chief Yomi Otubela of National Association of the Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS). Photo: TWITTER/NIGEDUCATION
National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS) has urged government at all levels to always respect agreements reached with workers, stressing the economy cannot afford to be bogged down by frequent industrial actions.
The National President, Yomi Otubela, in a statement yesterday, to mark the International Workers’ Day today, noted that no nation could attain sustainable economic development in an atmosphere of strikes. 

While lauding commitment, creativity, dexterity dynamism and contribution of workers over the years to nation building, the NAPPS helmsman advised government and employers of labour in the private sector to find way of ensuring uninterrupted services in the country. 

Stating that this year’s cele that the country is looking forward to a smooth transition this month, Otubela added that it is their hope that the next administration would not only foster unity among the different ethnic groups, but also promote improvement in the quality of life for the citizens. 

He said: “These prayers have become imperative given the persistent rise in the cost of living and business operations brought about by high inflation rates, with attendant negative impact on real incomes of workers in Nigeria. 

“Equally, we note with a heavy burden in our hearts, as the issue of unabating insecurity, resulting in cases of kidnapping, banditry and acts of terrorism in the country, has continued to dominate public discourse. Recall that schools have also been targeted by insurgents, while students, teaching and non-teaching staff have continued to be victims of these terrorists, among other Nigerians. 
“While appreciating the giant strides made by the security agencies in their quest to curb activities of these terrorists, we urge both the federal and state governments to increase their surveillance activities around schools and other learning institutions in the country.”
Otubela said private schools have played significant role in complementing and closing the education gap in the country.

He charged government to see private school owners as partners in the move to provide qualitative education to Nigerians.


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