‘NASS under pressure to add private varsities to TETFund’

Executive Secretary, TETFUND, Arc. Sonny S.T Echono (right) having a chat with the President of ASUU, Prof. Victor Emmanuel Osodeke during the interactive programme TETFund and Unions on Emerging Issues on TETFund interventions.

Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has claimed that the National Assembly is under pressure to amend the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Act to accommodate private universities.

The Union also lamented that the Federal Government still owes its members eight-month withheld salaries.

ASUU’s National President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, made the claims while speaking at this year’s TETFund Strategic Planning Meeting in Abuja.

According to him, rather than lobby to be included in receiving public funds to fund their private businesses, private universities should be compelled to pay education tax to Federal Government.

“As I am talking to you, there is threat. I have useful information that they are trying to amend the law and we are waiting for them.
“All of us have to work together. And there is a process that is ongoing. And we must ensure we stop that process by the National Assembly to amend the law of TETFund.”

Osodeke also lamented uncompleted projects in tertiary institutions, including projects as far back as 2011.

Specifically, he cited Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Akwa, Anambra State where, according to them, three dialysis machines are rotting away. This, he added, were discovered when he joined TETFund Monitoring Team to monitor its projects across the country.


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