Natures Gentle Touch pampers women in media, film

Women in media and film recently gathered at a networking, celebration, and empowerment event, and personal care brand, Natures Gentle Touch, showed how to properly care for their hair.

The event, which was put together by Nigerian film producer and creative entrepreneur, Ego Boyo, had the female professionals gathered at Gala Africa, Lagos, to network, exchange ideas, and build relationships that would help them succeed in their respective careers.

The gathering also featured discussions on the challenges facing women in the media and creative industry and how these challenges can be overcome.

In her welcome address, Boyo, stressed the importance of supporting and empowering women in the creative industry, saying that it is only when women come together at such fora that they can rub minds together and profer solutions to common challenges that they face.

“I wanted us to have an opportunity to not only talk about the issue but also see how we can do something about it. I don’t want us to have a conversation and then leave it at that. I think we have the ability and agency to be able to make actual change. I also wanted us to be able to pledge our commitment and plan to take action to ensure that women in our industry have more opportunities and are given the support and resources to be able to do well and continue to thrive,” she said.


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