Navy destroys three illegal refining sites in Bayelsa

[FILES] Nigerian Navy destroying illegal refining sites . Photo/Twitter/HQNigerianArmy

The Nigerian Navy Forward Operating Base (FOB) FORMOSO, in Brass Local Council of Bayelsa State, has destroyed three illegal refining sites laden with about 50,000 litres of products suspected to be stolen crude oil.

The operation was conducted from Sunday to Tuesday, January 28 to 30, 2024, in Bayelsa. The operation, which was in line with the recently launched Nigerian Navy Operation Delta Sanity, was to put an end to illegal oil theft and bunkering activities within the maritime domain.

In a statement signed and issued to newsmen, yesterday, by the Commanding Officer Forward Operating Base (FORMOSO), Captain Murtala Aminu Rogo, the outfit carried out a three days patrol along Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Tebidaba – Brass pipeline.

He said: “On January 29, 2024, the team located one illegal refinery site and a wooden boat laden with about 20,000 litres of product suspected to be crude oil at Latitude 04°30’38″N Longitude 006°14’51″E, Galubakiri Creek, Nembe Local Council of Bayelsa.

“While in the heat of the patrol, on the same day at about 11: 30 P.M., another illegal refinery site was also located laden with about 17,000 litres of product suspected to be stolen crude oil at position Latitude 04°31’51″N Longitude 006°15’58″E around Mbiakpaba, Nembe Local Council of Bayelsa.

“Accordingly, in line with the extant rules of engagement, both illegal refinery sites and the boat were appropriately handled.”


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