Navy tasks personnel on protection, maintenance of facilities

Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ibas, has charged personnel of the NNS Jubilee to ensure adequate protection and maintenance of facilities in the base.

He gave the advice at the inauguration of 1×36-room ratings arrival hall built by the Naval Headquarters for NNS Jubilee in Ikot Abasi, Akwa Ibom State yesterday.

Ibas, who was represented by the Commander, Eastern Fleet, Rear Admiral Perry Onwuzulike, said the project was part of the CNS’ infrastructure development initiative across the country, adding that the strategic vision was to develop infrastructure in all naval bases to ease accommodation problem for personnel.

He urged those who would take possession of the facilities to see them as their own, maintain and protect the infrastructure for future generations, stressing that the naval headquarters had spent a fortune to build projects in the base and therefore the need for proper maintenance.

“Much as we commission the project today, we appeal to the users to use the facilities with great care, so that they will last long and put to maximum use.

“One major problem in this country is that we are quick to take possession of new items, but to put them to good use and maintain them becomes a big challenge.

“So, for the base and for those that will use this facilities, please know that a lot of money was spent on this project and it behoove on you to take care of it, so that it will serve generations to come,” Ibas said.

He commended the Commander NNS Jubilee for infrastructure development strides in the base and pledged to canvas support from the Naval Headquarters for more projects.

Earlier, Commander NNS Jubilee, Commodore Abdulmajid Ibrahim, said the project began in 2018 with its foundation laying ceremony, adding that the completion stage commenced in July 2019 and lasted till December 2020.

“We hope that the building will go a long way to reduce the stress of accommodation on our personnel and boost the morale of the men,” Ibrahim said.

He commended the CNS for the gesture and appealed for support from naval headquarters for the completion of the ongoing officers transit accommodation project.


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