NCAA engages consultant to monitor illegal structures, others

Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has appointed a consultant, Zilcotech International Limited, to monitor the illegal erection of high structures nationwide.

The appointment is in line with Section 35(h) of the Civil Aviation Act 2022, and sections of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig.CARs) 2015.

Similarly, the Federal Executive Council (FEC) earlier approved the engagement of Zilcotech in November 2022.

Consequently, a letter of introduction has been sent out to all the concerned operators and stakeholders in the industry.

The apex regulatory body statutorily regulates over 7000 licensed masts, owned and operated by telecommunication companies, and financial institutions, among others. There are indications of an equally huge number of illegal masts and high structures nationwide.

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (NigCARS) Part stipulates that no person or organisation shall put up a structure (permanent or temporary) within the navigable airspace of Nigeria unless such a person or organisation is a holder of Aviation Height Clearance Certificate granted under this regulation.

In line with this, the regulatory authority requires an Aviation Height Clearance (AHC) approval for every tower installation in the country irrespective of the height and location.

Under the Civil Aviation Act 2006, section 30(3) (1), the NCAA is empowered to prohibit and regulate the installation of any structure, which under its height or position is considered to endanger the safety of air navigation.

General Manager of the Public Relations of the NCAA, Sam Adurogboye, said they are confident that the c
ollaboration with Zilcotech would be beneficial to all stakeholders and the public at large, as it concerns the enhancement of safety within the navigable airspace of Nigeria.

It is expected that concerned stakeholders would cooperate with the consultant in the interest of safer skies and all payments accruing to the Authority on account of the attendant services are to be made directly to NCAA and not to the consultant.


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