NCC confirms telecoms sector’s woes amid 25% GDP target


The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), at the weekend, admitted that the telecoms sector is challenged and hoped that the issues are tackled headlong.
Its Executive Vice Chairman (EVC), Dr Aminu Maida, stated this when the operators, under the aegis of Association of Telecoms Companies of Nigeria (ATCON) hosted him in Lagos.
Maida, who recognised the challenges faced in the industry, said although Nigeria has close to 200 million connected lines, more than half of them are on 2G.
“So, there is a lot of work to be done, especially in addressing challenges faced by MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) and OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) for long-term sustainability,” he noted.
The EVC admitted that the challenges are acute, “but we are looking at them, working with the minister. The industry has done well for the country, contributing about 14 per cent to the GDP.
Earlier, ATCON president, Tony Izuagbe Emoekpere, thanked the EVC for demonstrating an open-door policy that has enabled the players to get closer to the commissioner.
He expressed confidence in the Maida’s leadership style to tackle the multi-faceted challenges plaguing the industry. Members of the body pledged their readiness to work with the EVC to move the sector’s GDP contribution from 14 per cent to 25 per cent any time soon.
CEO of Liquid Intelligent Technologies, Wale Abu, said: “When the EVC was appointed, I quickly did Google Search and was wowed by your credentials. EVC, you are controlling about 14 per cent of the country’s GDP now.
“You have started well by taking the initiative to meet with captains of the industry. NCC has been an accessible regulatory commission, which is to the credit of the management. Hopefully, in your tenure, this industry will grow from 14 per cent to 25 per cent contribution to the country’s GDP.”
On his part, MD/CEO, VDT Communications, Biodun Omoniyi, said the industry is happy to have the EVC. He said truly, there are challenges across the country, “but ours is peculiar”.  
“However, with the EVC at the helm of affairs, we are ready to work with you to achieve your visions for this sector. Collaboration is key.”  
The CEO of MainOne, an Equinix company, Funke Opeke, said the industry needs strategies to overcome its challenges. “Thank you for taking time to be with us this evening. ATCON has been actively involved in the agenda towards moving Nigeria forward and the telecoms sector in particular. Under your administration, we will look at strategies and outcomes that will benefit Nigerians.”


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