NCFront to convene stakeholders’ parley on electoral act amendment

NCP National Chairman, Dr Tanko Yunusa

The National Consultative Front (NCFront), an assemblage of leaders of conscience, has called on well-meaning Nigerian stakeholders across party lines, civil society groups, labour unions, youths and women groups to resist the conspiracy against the pending Electoral Act, 2021 by a few politicians, who are desperate to supplant the popular will of Nigerians for an improved electoral system.

In a statement, yesterday, by the group’s Head of Public Affairs Bureau, Dr Tanko Yunusa, the Front said it has commenced a broad nationwide mobilisation of concerned leaders and stakeholders, including former and intending presidential candidates, party and political leaders, among others, to urgently meet and demand for a popular, inclusive and generally acceptable amendment to the existing electoral act with the aim of improving Nigeria’s democracy.

He said: “The Front believes it is time for all concerned Nigerians and political stakeholders, irrespective of divide and affinity to come together to demand for a formidable, inclusive, improved and sustainable electoral act that can build the trust and confidence of Nigerians in the electoral system as it pertains to future elections, beginning with the fast approaching 2023 elections so as to give Nigerians the opportunity and desired voting power to elect their leadership across board for the first time.”

“Since Nigeria cannot afford any other sham election, which may further exacerbate the present insecurity and political agitations and tension in the country, hence the need to mobilise Nigerians to get the democratic process right from its foundation. 

He added: “NCFront Leaders of Conscience are convening an all inclusive stakeholders’ consultative parley in Abuja this week to rally against a situation, where opportunistic politicians, power mongers and mischief makers will continue to exploit our flawed and inadequate electoral laws as weapons of manipulation, exploitation and destruction of the Nigerian people. A major plan of action for this new engagement shall be announced at the end of this high-powered convergence of political stakeholders in Nigeria.”


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