NCPWD vows to sue airlines for discriminating against PLWDs

Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD), James David Lalu, has threatened legal action against discriminatory tendencies by airlines against persons living with disabilities (PLWDs).

He stated this while reacting to a recent conduct of Dana Air towards some persons with disabilities, adding that officials of Dana Air refused to board Mrs. Oguntoyose Gbemi because she was on a wheelchair.

In a statement issued yesterday, Head of Media and Publicity of the commission, Mbanefo JohnMichael, said Lalu made the assertion in a recent interview with journalists in Abuja.

He lamented that previous administrations failed to give over 30 million persons with disabilities the required attention in Nigeria due to the huge gap between the government and the governed.

Lalu, therefore, urged the media and other stakeholders to partner with NCPWD to take persons with disabilities to their rightful place.


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