Ndukuba enjoins Christians to be modest, keep faith with God in celebrating New Year


The Primate of All Nigeria (Anglican Communion), the Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, has called on Christians to be moderate in the celebration of the New Year festivities. He cautioned against engagement in extravagant lifestyles that could lead to debt, just as he charged them to emulate Jesus Christ who was content, moderate and disciplined.

Further cautioning against borrowing to celebrate, the primate said Christians should be prudent and plan ahead to avoid financial embarrassment.

He said: “I want to encourage Nigerians to live within their means. We don’t need to plunder to celebrate God’s mercy on us. We have to bear in mind that responsibilities are waiting for us in 2022 – school fees, house rent, bills and other necessities.

“Godliness with contentment is a virtue. The Kingdom of God is not of eating and drinking, neither is the celebration for that. We are to be in a sober mood while also undergoing self-reflection as we prepare ourselves to receive Christ and usher in the New Year.”

The Anglican head encouraged people to share what they have with others and show love to the less privileged, adding that in times like this, Nigerians should love one another, forgive and reconcile with one another.

The cleric called on Nigerians to pursue peace with all men because as a nation, we cannot make any advancement or progress without peace and the help of God.

“We should at times like this, remember the less privileged. Those of us who are employers of labour should be merciful to our employees. And those who have power over resources should also manage those resources with understanding that our God is a God who loves to give,” he said.

Ndukuba stressed that the challenges of the time necessitates experiencing and sharing the love of God with one another, especially as we enter 2022, assuring that God, who has always stood for the oppressed will surely intervene in whatever challenging situations they are passing through.

The primate said: “I want to tell every Nigerian to keep faith with God. Man may fail, but God will never fail. The situation may be so terrible, but God has not abandoned us. And I am believing God that he will move in the hearts of men and women. May we experience the love of God and also share the same love with others. God has regards for the weak, the lonely, the deprived and the oppressed. So, we are asking all Nigerians, no matter what they may be passing through, to keep on holding to the Lord. What you are passing through is only a phase. Our God will arise on our behalf, and he will help us.”


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