Ndukuba underscores importance of holiness at youth summit

Youths with Primate, Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba (seated Centre) during Church of Nigeria
(Anglican Communion) Youth Summit in Abuja
Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, has counseled Anglican youths to pursue holiness, without which no one can see God.

The Primate, who spoke at a Delegate Youth Leadership Summit at the Church National Secretariat in Abuja, encouraged youths to shun what he described as unhealthy competition amongst various youth groups in the church of God. He charged them to be good ambassadors for Christ, like the Biblical Daniel and John the Baptist, who against all odds, spoke truth to powers.

Speaking on the theme, “Ablaze for Christ in the Decade of the Reign of God, Ndukuba said the summit was aimed at having a stronger youth body in the Anglican Church that will birth a generation that will be known as The Joshua Generation. A generation that will conquer territories for Christ, a generation that will see Christ bigger than any problem and a generation that will bring about the needed Revival in the Church and the world.

In attendance were Rt. Rev. Alosius E. Agbo (Bishop of Nsukka and Coordinator of the Joshua Generation Taskforce), Rt. Rev. Jolly E. Oyekpen (Bishop of Akoko-Edo and National Coordinator of Anglican Youth Fellowship Nigeria), Rt. Rev. Foreman Nedison (Bishop of Jalingo) and Ven. Dr. Paul G. Dajur (General Secretary, Church of Nigeria).

Others were Bro Billy Birungi (Major Resource Person, Uganda), Ven Dr. Olayemi Fatusi (Personal Assistant to the Primate), Ven Dr. Ben Idume (Director of Youths, Church of Nigeria), Bro Lloyd A. H. Brown (National President, Anglican Youth Fellowship Nigeria), Members of the Joshua Generation Taskforce, Members of the Anglican Youth Fellowship EXCOs, Members of Anglican Corppers Fellowship, Members of Anglican Students Fellowship, Prof. Chinonso Achebe, members of EFAC and staff of Primate’s Office.

At the end of the three-day summit, the Church resolved to gather all the youths to a conference tagged, “The Joshua Generation International Youth Conference” to be held at the Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo Town, Oyo State from April 11 to 17, 2021. The programme featured among other things, corporate devotion, worship, discussions and workshop.

Bro Lloyd A. H. Brown is the National President, Anglican Youth Fellowship, Nigeria.


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