Ndukuba urges senior clergy to be advocate of faith

The Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba has urged the church’s senior clergy in-training to live up to the expectations and standard of Anglican clergy.

Addressing the clergy, who were undergoing a two-week Advanced Management Course, themed, Anglican Pastoral Ministry in the 21st Century at Ibru Centre Agbarha-Otor, via Zoom, Ndukuba charged them to use the opportunity to develop themselves to the church’s standard.

Quoting 2Timothy 2:15, the Primate tasked them to be in touch with the truth of the Gospel, as expressed in the historic Anglican formularies, namely, the Book of Common Prayers, Articles of Faith and the Church doctrines, and keep contending for the Faith. He noted with regret that what the Church of Nigeria stands against are gradually infiltrating the church and urged the clergy to make themselves available and fight for the Faith.

“Brethren, be resolute. Our lives and ministry continue and no one should think of himself as having arrived. We should not be copycats, but be the best of whom God has called us to be. Anglican clergy is well disciplined and nurtured,” he said.

The Primate thanked Rt. Rev. Dr Samuel Sowale, the Course Director and Bishop of Ilesa; Rt. Rev. David K. Bello, Asst. Director and Bishop of Oturkpo and Rt. Rev. Blessing Enyinda, Registrar and Bishop of Ikwerre, for shaping and reformulating the clergy.

Sowale, on behalf of the Faculty and participants appreciated the Primate for the opportunity given to them and his address.

The Senior Clergy Advanced Management Course of the Church of Nigeria, which used to hold twice a year, is now in January every year. The 2021 session, which held between January 18 and 19, 2021 is the 15th edition since the Course started in January 2012. Participants are senior clergy sent and sponsored by different dioceses of the Church of Nigeria.


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