NEMA distributes relief materials to flood victims in Adamawa

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has distributed relief materials to over 1,000 victims of 2020 flood in 11 Local Government Areas in Adamawa.

Mr Anuhu Midala, the agency’s Head of Operation, Adamawa and Taraba, presented the items to the victims of the flood on Friday in Yola.

Midala said the items were meant to bring succour to the victims and advised them to use the items judiciously to improve their livelihood.

“Today, the agency is presenting relief items comprising food and building materials to victims of 2020 flood in 11 LGAs in the state.

“About 1,000 Households are to benefit from the intervention and it is not meant to compensate for what you lost but to identify and express Federal Government’s sympathy.

“As we are presenting this intervention, the agency is appealing to the communities to stop building shelters on water ways and blocking drainages to avoid and control future occurrence,” Midala said.

Responding on behalf of the Adamawa state and the affected local government areas, Dr Mohammad Sulaiman, Executive Secretary, Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency (ADSEMA) described the intervention as ‘Gigantic effort.’

Sulaiman promised that the items would reach residents of the affected communities as the government had already set up a committee to monitor the distribution of the items.

“In 2020 about 11 people including three infants lost their lives to the floods, while many houses, bridges and thousands of farmlands were destroyed by the flood in the state,” Sulaiman said.



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