Neven and Soolking: Fusion of talents in “Promise”

In the vibrant landscape of French music, Neven emerges as the female sensation of the year thanks to “Promise,” a single from her debut album that marks a significant collaboration with rapper Soolking. This duo, symbolizing a perfect union between their musical universes, is an explosion of positive energy and authentic friendship.

A Voice That Carries
Long reserved, Neven found in music a way to express a rich and complex inner world. After collaborating with Soolking on his albums “Fruit du Démon” and “Vintage,” she was able to shape her artistic identity, thus unleashing her unique voice.

Diverse Influences
From Dalida to Mylène Farmer, Neven’s influences cover a wide spectrum, from rap to French pop. For her, music transcends mere passion to become a form of therapy, transforming the most intimate feelings into an emotional symphony that resonates with the listener.

Commitment and Creation
In 2021, Neven lent her writing talent to contemporary artists like Louane, Kendji Girac, and Camélia Jordana, sowing the music scene with her vibrant, emotion-filled lyrics. Alongside her career, she dedicates time to philanthropic initiatives, bringing joy through music to young people suffering from cancer.

Affirming Her Identity
Supported by Marc Lavoine, her mentor, Neven fully embraced her uniqueness, choosing to highlight her authenticity rather than conform. “Promise” is more than a musical piece; it is the declaration of an artist ready to illuminate the world with her inner light.

“Promise” is therefore more than a collaboration; it is a testament to Neven’s artistic maturity and a glimpse into her emotional and creative journey. With a documentary and a book in preparation, she is poised to share her story and inspirations more widely, promising a bright future in the French music industry.


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