‘New Apapa Terminals to enhance service delivery’

FORMER Head of State and Board Chairman of APM Terminals Apapa, Chief Ernest Shonekan has commissioned a new ultra-modern staff building at the terminal.

Performing the commissioning ceremony, Shonekan commended the management and staff of APM Terminals Apapa for maintaining high standards and efficient service delivery.

He said: “I am quite impressed with what I have seen here today. I believe this will enhance service delivery at the terminal.

“I must commend all of you for making the dream of building a modern world class container terminal in Nigeria come true. It is not only about money. You may have all the money but if you do not have the right people in place, it would be difficult to achieve any meaningful progress.”

He said the operation of APM Terminals Apapa was important to the wellbeing of the Nigerian economy.

Managing Director of APM Terminals Apapa, Andrew Dawes, who conducted Chief Shonekan and other guests round the new building said the facility has some noteworthy features which include energy saving dimmable lighting brought about by movement detection; lighting fixtures near windows designed as daylight controlled lighting fixtures which respond to daylight sensors (photovoltaic cells) for power saving and energy efficient air conditioning and ventilation system.

Dawes said the building is constructed over three floors with Canteen, Locker rooms, Break rooms and Clinic for APM Terminals staff.

He said the facility also contains a new Customer Service Office on the ground floor and a 200sqm office for Nigeria Customs Service.

He said: “We have also installed here the most advanced and reliable single piece packaged water treatment system with NuDisc nutrient removing technology to provide quality of treated effluent suitable to discharge into a watercourse.

“There are also public address and information system at certain strategic points for broadcasting and displaying in–company messages on flat screen monitors,” he said.

Dawes said APM Terminals has invested $350million to modify and upgrade the Apapa terminal over the past nine years.

  APM Terminals Apapa started operation in 2006 with a lease of 25 years.

With 55 hectares of land, the terminal is the largest container terminal in West Africa. It employs 989 full time employees and another 1,211 contractors and sub-contractors.

In 2014, APM Terminals Apapa handled 650,000 TEUs, which represents 53% of containerized cargo imports through Lagos.

The terminal currently services 10 shipping lines and thousands of importers.

The terminal currently operates with 22 Rubber Tyre Gantry cranes (RTGs), 11 Mobile Harbor Cranes, 10 Reach Stackers, 10 Empty Handlers and 75 Terminal Trucks.

The new staff building was designed by Cares Nigeria and built by China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC).


