New year, new beginnings

Lush tropical garden with dramatic and colorful foliages

New year, new beginnings! While you are busy making your list of this year’s resolutions (you know, eat healthier, get more exercise, maybe even start a daily meditation session), remember the other areas in your life that bring you joy, like your yard. In fact, gardening can help you to achieve all three of those previously mentioned goals, so it can really pay off to carefully plan for the upcoming growing season.

Why not make a few resolutions that would inspire you create an even more gorgeous, fruitful and satisfying garden in the new year? Here are five to get you started.

Resolution 1: Keep Your Tools Organised
You obviously need the right tools to accomplish just about any garden task, and while it is easy to toss your favourite gardening gloves or best set of pruners in a random bucket in the back corner of the garage, you would curse yourself next time you need them and cannot find them.

Instead of wasting time hunting, resolve to get your tools organised and keep them that way. When your tools are always at the ready, you would be better able to take care of your yard.

Resolution 2: Prepare for Pests
No matter what region of the country you live in, you would deal with unwelcome visitors to your garden, such as insect, pests and weeds. But don’t let that discourage you. Instead, resolve to be ready.

Regularly scout for weeds that can pop up wherever in the ground and remove them as soon as possible. If an area like your veggie garden usually attracts pesky rats, fence it off before you sow seeds. Certain species of plants have more pest issues than other, so research any new plant you want to add to your garden to make sure it won’t create headaches. Lots of problematic, yet popular plants, such as roses and tomatoes, have disease and pest-resistant varieties to choose from, so look for those when choosing what to grow.

Resolution 3: Improve Water Conservation
Although this goal is especially crucial in drought-prone areas, gardeners in every region can conserve water. Mulch is your friend, because it helps the soil hold onto moisture for your plants.

Add at least a 2-inch layer wherever you have bare soil and try choosing plants native to your region, as they are better able to thrive without a lot of extra watering and other pampering. For areas of your garden that may need more water, such as lawn or a vegetable garden, an irrigation system with a timer can really help use water more efficiently.

4: Take On A Challenging Project
Part of the fun of gardening is taking up weekend projects, like freshening up your garden beds with some dramatic edging. Or maybe you would like to try building your own trellis or creating a broken brick patio?

The possibilities are endless, but no matter what you choose, you are bound to gain new skills and a sense of accomplishment. And if a project doesn’t quite work out, consider it a lesson learned and start a new one.

Resolution 5: Enjoy Your Outdoor Space More
Just 20 minutes a day outside in nature can lower your stress levels, so make it a priority to literally stop and smell the flowers once in a while. Spend a few moments watching the birds and butterflies doing their thing while you enjoy your morning coffee.

Or if you have got a patio or deck, add a few containers and comfortable seating to make it a more welcoming place to hang out. No patio, no problem!

How about building a barbeque hut for your family to gather around? The more you can make your outdoor space a pleasant and relaxing place to be, the more you would appreciate all the hardwork you are putting into it.



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