Children’s Day: Ojukwu raises alarm over increased cases of child rights violations

3 weeks ago
1 min read

Tony Ojukwu

The Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Dr. Tony Ojukwu, SAN. has expressed concern over the alarming and continuous rise in cases of violations of the rights of children across the country.

Ojukwu said the disturbing trend underscores an urgent need for a renewed commitment from all facets of society to protect and guarantee the fundamental rights of our children.

According to him, children represent the most vulnerable population and the consistent increase in reported violations of their rights is a stark reminder of the challenges they face daily.

“These violations not only threaten their immediate well-being but also compromise their future potentials and the overall health and security of our society. It is therefore imperative that we act decisively and with urgency to address this menace,” he said.

He said though the Child Rights Act has been passed by several states in Nigeria, there is a need for the various state governments to strengthen its implementation to protect children from all forms of abuse, exploitation, and neglect.

The NHRC boss also used the opportunity of the Children’s Day to call on the government to develop a comprehensive support system for children in distress, create accessible and well-resourced child protection services, helplines, and shelters, that will alleviate the suffering of the victims, he said.

He noted that it is imperative to train professionals in children centered education, social welfare, healthcare, and law enforcement to enable them identify and respond to child right violations and other social problems effectively.

He emphasised that education is key to raise awareness about children’s rights among parents, caregivers, educators, and children themselves, this will empower children to understand and assert their rights.

Ojukwu also harped on the need to establish a robust mechanism for monitoring, reporting, and addressing violations of children’s rights. “This will ensure that there is accountability at all levels, and that perpetrators of violations are brought to justice”.

He noted that the protection of children’s rights is not merely a legal obligation but a moral imperative which will secure the future of the country.

In a statement to commemorate the 2024 Children’s Day, the commission’s Director Corporate Affairs and External, Obinna Nwakonye called for reaffirmation of commitment to creating a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for every child.


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