CISLAC canvasses strong institutions in Africa after Biden’s inauguration

ED, CISLAC, Auwal Musa Rafsanjani

Executive Director of the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), Auwal Musa Rafsanjani, yesterday, charged African leaders to emulate the United States (U.S.) in building strong and independent institutions to checkmate the excesses of public officers.

Rafsanjani, who visited the U.S. for President Joe Biden’s inauguration, in a statement, condemned the invasion of U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump.

His words: “The invasion of U.S. Capitol by Trump’s supporters led to his impeachment by members of the House of Representatives, who cited insurrection as reason for his second impeachment.

“Despite the fact that Trump was the sitting President of America, he could not manipulate the electoral process. He could not also ask the legislature, judiciary, security or government institutions to do otherwise.

“This can only be possible in a functional society with strong and independent institutions.”

Although he also canvassed harmonious relationship among all arms of government for the overall benefits of the Nigerian masses, he however, said the legislature should be able to checkmate the excesses of other arms of government at all times.

Rafsanjani congratulated President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harrris on their inauguration, urging them to uphold the rule of law, as well as respect international agreements and treaties.

“President Biden must restore confidence in the role of America, as the largest economy in the world, which has a significant responsibility for global peace, security, stability and progress,” he added.

The CISLAC boss, who also doubles as Chairman, Board of Amnesty International (AI) Nigeria, urged Biden to respect human rights and fight corruption in America and the entire world.

He noted that the new American President should build on existing protocols in keeping people safe and healthy from the global COVID-19 pandemic and work towards advancing peace, inclusion, economic prosperity and climate action worldwide.

He also congratulated the American people for the vibrancy of democracy during the elections, as he looked forward to strengthening African-American relations, adding that such strategic alliance was an essential pillar of international cooperation required to address the challenges currently facing the world.

In a similar vein, Rafsanjani noted that in Uganda, where the opposition was constantly in the eye of state sponsored oppression, justified the need for stronger institutions in Africa and respect for rule of law and democratic values on the continent.

He insisted that if there were stronger institutions in Africa, such incidents would not have occurred the way it did.


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