Cleric urges President Tinubu to address severe hardship in Nigeria

Says Nigeria today is in desperate need of a miracle

The Lead Pastor of the Revival House of Glory International Church (RHOGIC), Apostle Goodheart Ekwueme, has called called on the Tinubu-led administration to further cut down the cost of governance and address the severe hardship in the country.

Ekwueme who argued that belt-tightening policy must begin from those in government, stated that the cost of running the government today is very large comparative to the nation’s income base and our many needs as a nation.

Briefing journalists on the forthcoming Revival is Here Again International Conference (RIHA-IC) 2024, which also doubles as the 7th anniversary of the church yesterday in Abuja, Ekwueme said that Nigeria today is in desperate need of a miracle stressing that miracle has sustained us thus far and we need a miracle to move to the next level.

Ekwueme who decried the high level of poverty and suffering in the country, lamented that Nigeria continues to slide in key human development indices.

According to Ekwueme who is the son of the late Vice President, Dr Alex Ekwueme, ‘It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the sufferings of our countrymen but it would be wicked to stay silent, especially when we have the mandate of revival. Who can deny that Nigeria needs revival now? With our children and youth populations exploding, we are experiencing the short end of a stick that should be stirring growth and righteousness in the land’.

He said, “Anyone who is in leadership must sacrifice for the people you lead to see the people become better.Looking at our present government, a lot can be advised the government of the day must begin to show a sense of willingness to sacrifice, the government should learn to sacrifice and look at the ways to cut down excesses.
‘The unprecedented and unabating fall in the value of the Naira has sounded despondency for many and some of our brightest youth are abandoning this great country, choosing a sub-par existence in foreign lands instead. The rising food and fuel prices add to the hurt and desperation in the land and if men express hunger as anger, then imagine what happens when you add desperation to the mix. My blood pumps to see a nation truly on a pathway to recovery and restoration. One of the places to start with is for Nigerians to become one at heart and united in our focus as to what we want as citizenry and pursue it as all cost’.

He stated that the surge in violent crimes , insecurity and ethno-religious conflicts being experienced in the country are driven by the army of out of school children with many simply amplifying the wrong values that the older generations have modelled to them.
According to him, “The lack of an experiential knowledge of God is reflected in the dimension of kidnapping of children and monarchs alike as recently as the last few days. We are currently living in a time in Nigeria when there is no regard for life, whether it be of babes or kings. This is the oxymoron of our existence now and the present backdrop against which Horn of Revival Ministry and Revival House of Glory come into our 7th year – a time of release. I take this opportunity to sound a warning to the nation – as if we need more signs – but also to declare a season of release for as many as will heed it’.

Ekwueme observed that the church was established on the 5th of February, 2018 after a period of seeking God’s mind regarding the assignment adding that God has enabled us in the last 7 years, to create channels and platforms like ‘The Gathering’ – RHOGIC’s national altar of worship and prayer to God on behalf of Nigeria and several participating nations.
“We are also humbled by what God has been doing through the Global Prophetic Prayer Altar (GPPA); it is our flagship international prayer altar with reach in over 27 states of Nigeria and several countries and territories around the world. For these and several testimonies of impact and transformation”, he added.
