Defection of APC chieftain threatens party in Jigawa

APC National Chairman, Abdullahi Adamu
•As ex-PDP chair joins NNPP in Gombe

Crisis of confidence, coupled with intra party squabbles, has forced two-term Deputy Governor of Jigawa State, Ahmed Mahmoud, to dump the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) to the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Mahmud, who, until his resignation from APC, was a serving National Commissioner, representing Jigawa State at the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC).

Mahmoud tendered his resignation letter to the APC Chairman, Galangamawa ward, of his hometown, Gumel, on Saturday over lack of commitment and confidence of party (APC) members towards success of the party in the coming general elections.

In the letter, which was made available to The Guardian, Mahmoud said: “With sense of respect and regard as Chairman, I write to notify you of my resignation from All Progressives Congress (APC).

“I’m constrained to take this decision due to obvious intra party conflicts, disunity and lack of commitment, as well as confidence of party supporters towards success of the party in the coming general elections.

Meanwhile, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) former Chairman in Funakaye Council, Alhaji Abubakar Kari and Financial Secretary of the party in Dukku Council, Bakari Bawa, have decamped to the opposition New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP) in Gombe State.

Kari defected to NNPP with his supporters numbering over 800.
He has, however, obtained his NNPP membership card from council party Chairman, Bello Mamuda.

Bajoga told newsmen that he joined the NNPP “because both the ruling APC and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have lost their bearings, and NNPP is a party to beat in 2023.”


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