Edo guber: ADC candidate cautions voters against APC, PDP 

3 weeks ago
1 min read
Osarenren Derek Izedonmwen

.APC unfit to field candidate in Edo, PDP chieftain declares

The governorship candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), Derek Izedonmwen, at the weekend, cautioned Edo people against falling for the antics of the main political parties, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressives Congress (APC), who may hoodwink them into supporting their candidates.

Addressing party leaders and supporters from Edo South Senatorial District, Izedonmwen issued a quit notice to the candidates of the two main political parties ahead of the September 21 governorship election in Edo State.

He said that it was very inappropriate for Governor Godwin Obaseki to attempt to hand over the reins of power to his acolyte, a member of the Edo State Economic Team in the last 16 years.

The ADC governorship candidate said that the state is not for sale, adding that he will not accept a situation where a political godfather believes that the governance of the state is their birthright, which can be passed over to their godson after completing his term.

He advised ADC supporters not to despair, but to collect the money, which he insisted was theirs, from the two major political parties and vote for ADC, predicting that he would triumph in the forthcoming election.

Meanwhile, a prominent PDP leader in the state, Henry Duke Tenebe, yesterday, said that APC is not supposed to field a candidate, let alone canvass for support ahead of the Edo governorship election, citing its ill-conceived policies and reforms, which are responsible for the inflation, hunger and poverty in the country.

Tenebe expressed his dissatisfaction with how the APC-led federal government has managed the national economy in the past year.

He insisted that the party lacks the moral right to even field a candidate for the Edo guber election.

Tenebe, however, commended Obaseki’s reforms in the agricultural sector, which have boosted oil palm production and economic growth, which made the state emerge as Nigeria’s number one oil palm producing state, contributing about 12 per cent to the aggregate palm oil production in Nigeria.


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