FRSC urges tanker drivers to install speed limit devices

3 weeks ago
1 min read

[FILES] Truckers
The Ogun Command of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has called on tanker drivers to install speed limit devices and obey traffic regulations, to stem road crashes.

Mr Anthony Uga, FRSC Sector Commander in Ogun, made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday, in Ota.

Uga was reacting to the tanker accident in the Ibafo axis of Lagos-Ibadan Expressway on Saturday.

A tanker conveying Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) exploded in the area, after falling on its side, causing gridlock.

Firefighters rushed to the scene, while FRSC operatives from Ibafo outpost were deployed to manage the traffic.

The sector commander said that some road crashes involving tankers in the state were caused by speeding and disregard for traffic rules and regulations.

“We are appealing to these drivers to install speed limit devices and safety valves to avoid preventable disasters.
“In addition, they should ensure that their tankers are working properly by checking them daily before embarking on any trip,” he said.

Uga enjoined tanker owners to employ qualified drivers and train them so that the roads could be safe for all road users.
He reiterated the commitment of the FRSC to collaboration with sister agencies to stem mishaps on the highways


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