Mother of two commits suicide over alleged maltreatment by husband

3 weeks ago
1 min read

Ochanya Chelle

A mother of two children, Margaret Oyibo Atayi, has allegedly killed herself following a prolonged rift with her husband. Margaret, who hailed from Ugbokolo Local Council of Benue State, was found dead three days after she was declared missing by her family members.
The family said the deceased was last seen around City College of Education, Abacha road, Mararaba, Nasarawa State, at about 3:00 a.m., on Friday, May 17.
All efforts to locate her whereabouts proved abortive until her sister, Ochanya Chelle, confirmed that she was found dead on Monday, May 20. Meanwhile, her father, Mr Patrick Atayi, blamed the death of his daughter on unresolved conflict with the husband, which led her to depression.
“Margaret was a mother of two children. She has been in a state of depression for some time now due to mistreatment by her husband. She went out on that fateful Friday morning, at about 3:00 a.m., without the knowledge of anybody. Her body was discovered in the late hours of Monday. Available evidence confirmed that she committed suicide,” the father added. The Guardian learnt that her body has since been moved to a private mortuary while tearful sympathisers thronged her family home.