Nigeria emerges winner of World Mathematics Tournament

4 months ago
2 mins read

Nigeria has emerged winner of the 2024 World Mathematics Tournament (WMT) in which 33 countries and 590 schools around the world participated.

The fourth edition of the competition organised virtually by the Mathematics for Life Foundation for Senior Secondary / High School Students globally saw students from Welkin International Schools, Atan-Ota, Ogun State winning in both categories.

Master Emmanuel Olusanya, Senior Secondary (SS) Three student of Welkin International Schools and Ireoluwa Olajide, Senior Secondary School (SS) One beat other contenders to emerge winner of the competition.

In a message to the presentation of the awards within the premises of Welkin International School, Atan-Ota, the state Commissioner for Education, Prof. Abayomi Arigbabu, commended the school for bringing honour to the state.

Represented by Mr. Sadiq  Obafemi, the commissioner also congratulated the parents of the award-winning students for spending judiciously to invest in their future.”

He reiterated the commitment of Governor Dapo Abiodun-led government towards providing conducive environment and tools that would make education attractive in the state.

On his part, the Chairman Welkin International Schools, Mr. Adebayo Beckley described the event as a day of joy for both the management and parents of students of the school.

He said the award would continue to spur the school to be the cynosure of all eye and maintain its leading position among its peers.

According to him, the students vigorously pursued their goals adding it was not easy to participate in the global stage.

The Chairman of Welkin International schools noted that Ireoluwa Olajide had broken a lot of records on behalf of the school and prayed God to grant his parents resources to fulfil their dreams on him.

The President of Mathematics for Life Foundation, Osuntuyi Omoniyi said that it was a great honour to present the 2024 World Mathematics Tournament to students of Weklin International Schools.

He disclosed that the Foundation recognised globally as an NGO came into existence exactly ten years when the award was being presented.

Omoniyi further said that they pay visit to the Motherless Home every 26th of December to fraternise with them adding  they also give free training to those who dropped out of schools in order to be self reliant.

He said the vision of the Foundation is to raise the standard of Education and eradicate illiteracy in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

Going into memory late, Omoniyi said that the competition started from Alimosho where Faith Odunsi set a record as the first winner.

He noted that 8 among 590 schools from 33 countries narrowed down to UK, Ghana, Philippines, Nigeria,, Pakistan and Tanzania articipated in the final.

The Olu of Atan-Ota Aworiland, Oba Isiyemi Akinyemi Adeniji represented by High Chief Emmmanuel Adesina Ilebiyi who rejoice with the school said the community is known for academic excellence.

Performing the vote of thanks, the Coordinator of competition Department and HOD Mathematics, Mr Alalade Matthew Oluwaseun said all the glory go to God who made it possible for the school.

He prayed God will continue to increase the love the parents of the students have for the school.


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