Hardly a week goes by without a new report of ANOTHER mass gun
shooting by some lunatic in the USA. And Americans are still trying
figure out the solution to these gun shootings:. Is it “more guns”,
“less guns” , “more mental heath care”, “more religion”,

“less bullying” , “more armed guards” etc.

Hey, Americans!! Just Look around you at the rest of the civilized world.
Every other developed country in the world has ALREADY figured out how NOT make gun massacres a monthly news event.

England, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Japan, New Zealand. Spain , Sweden,
Finland, Denmark, Greece, Austria ,Canada, Australia, South Korea,
Taiwan, China, France, Germany…all the other developed countries of
the world DON’T have these monthly shootings.

Only in the USA have gun massacres become a regular ritual.
It’s simple. Because other countries take gun ownership SERIOUSLY.
in other countries can’t just walk into Guns Galore (the store near Ft
Hood that has sold guns to TWO GUN KILLERS) and buy an assault
rifle… like a 6 pack of beer.

Meanwhile….owning a weapon that can cause mass destruction in the US is a JOKE.
can own a gun….”raging racists”. the mentally insane, the blind, drug
addicts, alcoholics, suspected terrorists, people with uncontrollable
rage, 4 year old toddlers, even people who don’t know which end of the
gun is front…ANYONE..can own a deadly weapon that can cause mass

Yet Americans are still trying to figure out why THEY are the only developed country on earth with monthly gun massacres?

When all the other advanced countries around the world have already
solved a problem that Americans still keep having month after
month…year after year…and Americans still can’t figure out why
are the only one left with the problem.– It’s probably because
Americans don’t have enough common sense to learn from other people.

They have to keep making the same mistake over and over again.

And… what you call people who keep making the same mistake over and over again???

Answer: It’s the opposite of “smart”