Obi at Labour Party NEC Meeting, appeals for calm

Labour Party Presidential candidate Peter Obi addressing supporters in Kebbi

• NEC expels Arambabi Abayomi, suspends eight others over anti-party activities

The Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, has urged Nigerians to remain calm and steadfast in the journey to reclaim the mandate of a New Nigeria.
A statement by the Obi/Datti media team said Obi in spirit-lifting words to Nigerians, particularly the Obidients, noted that he will never give up on the journey until victory is achieved.

The LP Presidential candidate who spoke in Asaba while addressing the National Executive Committee, NEC of the party said he never expected the journey to a new Nigeria to be an easy one, saying that the forces who had, over the years, lived off the old order, were bound to fight back, as is being experienced now.

Underscoring the determination of the group involved in this project to resist intimidation or harassment of any kind and from any quarter, Obi said, “If they come at us through land, air, and sea, we will respond to them through land, air, and sea, but we will remain law abiding and will never give up on the nation.
“We are on the right path, and we will remain committed to the course,”.

The former Anambra state Governor reiterated his commitment to a ‘Nigeria that will be beneficial to every Nigerian, as he maintained that the struggle to reclaim the mandate was not about him, as a person, but about millions of Nigerians who reposed their trust on him through their votes.

“The millions of Nigerians who voted for me did not just cast their votes, but they invested their hope in me. They deserve justice. So we must stay the course. And beyond regaining our mandate, I am committed to lifting people out of poverty. I remain committed to transforming Nigeria, starting from the North to every part of the nation,”

He further revealed that there may be more mud slinging on him from those who are against the emergence of the New Nigeria, but noted that he would never be deterred by the obstacles along the way to victory.

Meanwhile NEC on Tuesday wielded the big stick as it reaffirm and upheld the decision of the Akure convention, which expelled from the party its former publicity secretary, Comrade Arabambi Abayomi. It also suspended seven National Working Committee members.

A statement signed by Deputy National Chairman Comrade Ladi lliya and Dep. National Secretary Prince Kennedy Ahanotu listed the suspended NWC members to include Lamidi Apapa, Alhaji Salem Lawal, Prince Favour Reuben, Gbenga Daramola, Samuel Akingbade and Mohammed Akali.

The statement indicated that after NEC in session examined the anti-party activities of some of its members, it resolved to take the punitive measures “NEC considered the disciplinary committee report which recommended the suspension of Anslem Eragbe and recommended the same to the next convention for expulsion. Pending the next convention, NEC suspends him indefinitely.

The NEC in Session according to the statement constituted a disciplinary Committee to include Ladi Illiya, Rotimi Adekunle, Prince Kennedy Ahanotu, Yunusa Tanko andChief Tony Ezeagwu

It also went ahead in line with the powers conferred on it to fill the vacant positions of the National Youth Leader with Prince Kennedy Ahanotu, Ag. National Publicity Secretary with Mr Obiora Ifoh, Ag. National Legal Adviser with Barr. Edun Kehinde, Ag. Deputy National Secretary with Chief Rotimi Kehindeand Ag. ‘National Vice Chairman (South/South) with Chief Anthony Ezeagwu.

The National Executive Council (NEC) in session critically evaluated the 2023 general elections and note that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was unalble to transmit election results in real-time from the polling units giving room for massive manipulation of results.

“Labour Party noted and condemned the use of security agencies by government officials particularly by politicians to harass, intimidate, and buy votes, which largely compromised the outcome of the election.

It also condemned the use of thugs and the reintroduction of ballot snatching and writing of results in the collation centre as a dangerous trend in our democratic process.

It stated that the trend might slide the country into a civilian dictatorship.

“NEC in session note that civilian dictatorship is worse than a military dictatorship.”
It appealed to the judiciary to at all times be on the part of the people by promoting acts that enhance democracy, fundamental freedom, rule of law, and the doctrine of separation of powers.

The NEC in session considered the expiration of the current National Working Committee that will lapse in June and stated inter alia that it is most inappropriate to convene a National Convention.

This is indicated in view of recent events in the party, considering the controversies and bad blood generated by elective convention, conscious of the numerous court cases; Presidential, Governorship, Senatorial, and House of Assemblies, the need to remain focused and reorganize the party.


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