Organisation unveils programme to empower Lagos students digitally

To improve technology in the country, a social enterprise, Teens Can Code, has unveiled Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 360 programme to develop skills of secondary school students living in underserved communities of Lagos by expanding access to computer science education and coding opportunities that result in digital literacy.

The initiative is to spur innovation in education, develop next generation of technologists and integrate science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, entrepreneurship and design thinking systems into the curriculum, while supporting needs of educators and students, besides bridging the technology talent gap.

Founder of the organisation, Damian Isaac, said with the advent of technology, every child has right to access digital skills, adding: “We are excited to launch this innovative programme in schools across Lagos. Our goal is to provide students with an engaging and interactive learning experience that will help them develop digital skills.”

“So, it’s important that they learn about coding because it has to do with today’s world. It has to do with their future, and of course, coding is taking over, technology is taking over, so young people must learn about this digital economy that we are into,” he charged.

Stating that the training would begin every Wednesday between 1:00p.m. and 2:00p.m. from February 8, Isaac explained that the trainees will be exposed to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), problem identification and solving, as well as critical thinking.

“The initiative is to foster an environment of inquiry and exploration, where students can learn about the world around them and develop skills necessary to succeed in STEM-related fields. Through a series of interactive activities and projects, students will be able to explore the concepts of engineering, robotics, coding, physics and others,” he added.

Tutor General/Permanent Secretary, Education, District 1, Bashir Adebowale, represented by Director, Admin Unit, District 1, Iyabo Bello, commended the organisers for the Initiative, noting that students in district are pacesetters.

She urged teachers to charge the participants on good ambassadorship, while imploring the students to be stimulated by all they learn.


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