Nigerians carry big titles even when everything they say and do is rubbish. It’s only an idiot who thinks telling criminals to stop committing crimes is what it takes to contain crime. Law enforcement agents are appointed because it is known from day one that some elements in the society will break the law. In other climes, law enforcement agents do their jobs of bursting crimes, but here, they are the lawbreakers, while ignorant people (security experts/analysts, pastors, imams, political office holders, etc.) become security experts calling on criminals to stop committing one atrocity or the other. Our law enforcement agents abandon their job and tell us that security is everybody’s business. They collect salaries for undermining security while the rest of us provide free services and endanger our lives giving information to security agents who are the real criminals.
Boko Haram’s tactics keep evolving. Of recent, men disguised as women have been carrying out bombings and all it takes is to dump our fake religiosity and foolish pride to solve the problem. I was so impressed in 2011 when America promptly stopped escalation of September 11 madness by grounding all flights. Simply banning flowing gowns for now in vulnerable places can check the bombings, while indolent security operatives are shown the way out. We can’t afford to pay people for not doing their jobs.